Berwyn, Illinois: The Perfect Place to Live

Berwyn, Illinois, is a great place to live. Berwyn has many advantages that make it the perfect town for people of all ages to enjoy. Berwyn has access to public transportation and offers plenty of entertainment options. Berwyn also offers its residents a variety of restaurants, parks, and shopping opportunities. Information can be found here.

Berwyn is home to one of the oldest settlements in Cook County and was first settled by western pioneers coming across Lake Michigan more than two hundred years ago. It is located just to the west of Chicago’s city limits, but it provides residents with a much more peaceful setting than they would find along any main street in the Windy City. Berwins attractions include its beautiful parks, historical buildings, and homes, performing arts venues like its outdoor theater at Cahn Auditorium (the oldest outdoor theater in operation in Cook County), local shops featuring unique items for sale made by area artisans, several well-respected colleges within commuting distance including Robert Morris College campus right here on our grounds as well as Northwestern University School of Law. The list goes on! If Berwyn has not yet caught your attention, let us share with you Berwyn’s history. See here for information about River Forest, Illinois: A Hidden Gem.